Speak to Win

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Speak to Win

Speak to Win Speak to Win: How to Present with Power in Any Situation Brian Tracy Year: 2008 Pages : 209 pages Language: English   The ability to speak with confidence and deliver winning presentations can accelerate your career, earn people's great respect, and enable you to achieve your greatest-even most impossible-seeming goals. But what many people don't realize is that anyone can learn to be a great speaker, just as easily as they can learn to drive a car or ride a bike! As one of the world's premier speakers and personal success experts, Brian Tracy is the ideal instructor. In Speak to Win, Tracy reveals time-tested tricks of the trade that readers can use to present powerfully and speak persuasively, whether in an informal meeting or in front of a large audience. Readers will learn how to: * become confident, positive, and relaxed in front of any audience * grab people's attention from the start * use body language, props, and vocal techniques to keep listeners engaged * transiti ...

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