Speak to Win

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Speak to Win

Speak to Win Speak to Win: How to Present with Power in Any Situation Brian Tracy Year: 2008 Pages : 209 pages Language: English   The ability to speak with confidence and deliver winning presentations can accelerate your career, earn people's great respect, and enable you to achieve your greatest-even most impossible-seeming goals. But what many people don't realize is that anyone can learn to be a great speaker, just as easily as they can learn to drive a car or ride a bike! As one of the world's premier speakers and personal success experts, Brian Tracy is the ideal instructor. In Speak to Win, Tracy reveals time-tested tricks of the trade that readers can use to present powerfully and speak persuasively, whether in an informal meeting or in front of a large audience. Readers will learn how to: * become confident, positive, and relaxed in front of any audience * grab people's attention from the start * use body language, props, and vocal techniques to keep listeners engaged * transiti ...

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Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

ارزان ترین قیمت Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Geoff Thwaites and John Butterworth Year: 2013 Pages : 354 pages Language: English   Thinking Skills, Second edition, is the only endorsed course book that provides complete coverage of the Cambridge AS and A Level Thinking Skills syllabus offering substantially updated, new and revised content. It also contains extensive extra material to cover related awards. Written by experienced and highly respected authors, this book includes features such as clearly focused and differentiated units, stimulating student activities with commentaries to develop analytical skills, summaries of key concepts to review learning, end-of-chapter assignments to reinforce knowledge and skills, and a mapping grid to demonstrate the applicability of each unit to awards including Critical Thinking, BMAT and TSA. ...

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